Bottles for a Cause – Personal Stock


Introducing Bottles for a Cause:
At Willow Run, we believe in giving back to our community. One of the ways we do this is through our Bottles for a Cause program.
We partner with local charities throughout the year. Together we create a one of a kind – limited edition supply of bottles with the charity’s custom bourbon recipe and their name on the bottle.
A donation for each bottle sold goes to your charity.

Charity #1: HONOR FLIGHT – 2023 Blend or the Signature Blend 2024


Charity #3: Cincinnati Chapter of Izaak Walton League of America – The Compleat Angler’s Reward

Charity #4: La Soupe – The La Soupe Blend

SKU: PSB-BFAC Categories: ,

Charity #1: HONOR FLIGHT Signature Blend 2024- (Blend = 31% 200 Year Oak, 23% European Oak, 23% Cherry Wood, 15% Maple Wood, 8% Smoked Oak), OR the 2023 Blend (Blend = 15% 200 Year Oak, 15% American Oak, 35% Cherry Wood, 35% Maple Wood) More about them here:

Charity #2: BAUMER'S HALLOWEEN BASH CHARITIES - 2025 Blend (Blend = 9% 200 Year Oak, 27% American Oak, 27% Cherry Wood, 37% Maple Wood) More about them here:

Charity #3: Cincinnati Chapter of Izaak Walton League of America - The Compleat Angler's Reward (Blend = 24% 200 Year Oak, 14% European, 10% American Oak, 29% Cherry Wood, 19% Maple Wood, 4% Smoked) More about them here:

Charity #4: La Soupe - The La Soupe Blend (Blend = 18% 200 Year Oak, 10% European, 36% Cherry Wood, 36% Maple Wood) More about them here:


More about our Bottles-for-a-Cause program:

Organizations can participate with the following:
  • Documentation showing non-profit status (no political or religious organizations)
  • The name of the bottle you’d like to make available for purchase (subject to approval)
    • We can do a simple black and white logo also (png format, true black- no grey scale)
  • The blend/recipe you’d like us to produce
    • Two ways to create this:
      • 1. Fast Option: Use our Bourbon Wizard (13 quick questions) at
        • You can sample the recipe on-site, if desired
      • 2. Fun Option: Book online for our full Custom Bourbon Blending Experience where you’ll learn about bourbon history in Cincinnati and Willow Run, then taste 6 uniquely finished bourbons. You then will manually blend the bourbons to create your own blend to your tastes ($36.99 per person at
      • 3. Easy Option: We pick a favorite blend for you.
  • The link and anything else you’d like us to list on our site for folks to learn more about your organization
How it would work after the program started:
  • We will provide you with the link to the bottle to share with your patrons (the better you market this to your group, the better the results)
  • Due to state law, everyone must pick up their bottles on-site at Willow Run (we can’t deliver)- Bottle cost for the customer is $49.99
  • Quarterly, we will donate back for every bottle sold to your organization

Additional information


Honor Flight 2023, Honor Flight 2024, Baumer's Halloween Bash, Cincinnati Chapter of Izaak Walton League of America, La Soupe