Bottles for a Cause – Personal Stock


Introducing Bottles for a Cause:
At Willow Run, we believe in giving back to our community. One of the ways we do this is through our Bottles for a Cause program.
We partner with local charities throughout the year. Together we create a one of a kind – limited edition supply of bottles with the charity’s custom bourbon recipe and their name on the bottle.
A donation for each bottle sold goes to your charity.

Charity #1: HONOR FLIGHT Signature Blend 2024




SKU: PSB-BFAC Category:

Charity #1: HONOR FLIGHT Signature Blend- (Blend = 31% 200 Year Oak, 23% European Oak, 23% Cherry Wood, 15% Maple Wood, 8% Smoked Oak) More about them here:

Charity #2: BAUMER'S HALLOWEEN BASH CHARITIES - 2025 Blend (Blend = 9% 200 Year Oak, 27% American Oak, 27% Cherry Wood, 37% Maple Wood) More about them here:


More about our Bottles-for-a-Cause program:

Organizations can participate with the following:
  • Documentation showing non-profit status (no political or religious organizations)
  • The name of the bottle you’d like to make available for purchase (subject to approval)
    • We can do a simple black and white logo also (png format, true black- no grey scale)
  • The blend/recipe you’d like us to produce
    • Two ways to create this:
      • 1. Fast Option: Use our Bourbon Wizard (13 quick questions) at
        • You can sample the recipe on-site, if desired
      • 2. Fun Option: Book online for our full Custom Bourbon Blending Experience where you’ll learn about bourbon history in Cincinnati and Willow Run, then taste 6 uniquely finished bourbons. You then will manually blend the bourbons to create your own blend to your tastes ($36.99 per person at
      • 3. Easy Option: We pick a favorite blend for you.
  • The link and anything else you’d like us to list on our site for folks to learn more about your organization
How it would work after the program started:
  • We will provide you with the link to the bottle to share with your patrons (the better you market this to your group, the better the results)
  • Due to state law, everyone must pick up their bottles on-site at Willow Run (we can’t deliver)- Bottle cost for the customer is $49.99
  • Quarterly, we will donate back for every bottle sold to your organization

Additional information


Honor Flight, Baumer's Halloween Bash